Barotropic Field

class barotropic_field.BarotropicField(xlon, ylat, pv_field, area=None, dphi=None, n_partitions=None, planet_radius=6378000.0)[source]

An object that deals with barotropic (2D) wind and/or PV fields

  • xlon (np.array) – Longitude array in degree with dimension = nlon.

  • ylat (np.array) – Latitude array in degree with dimension = nlat.

  • area (np.ndarray) – Differential area at each lon-lat grid points with dimension (nlat,nlon). If ‘area=None’: it will be initiated as area of uniform grid (in degree) on a spherical surface. Dimension = [nlat, nlon]

  • dphi (np.array) – Differential length element along the lat grid with dimension = nlat.

  • pv_field (np.ndarray) – Absolute vorticity field with dimension [nlat x nlon]. If ‘pv_field=None’: pv_field is expected to be computed with u,v,t field.


Example Notebook

>>> barofield1 = BarotropicField(xlon, ylat, pv_field=abs_vorticity)
property equivalent_latitudes

Return the computd quivalent latitude with the pv_field stored in the object.


Return type

An numpy array with dimension (nlat) of equivalent latitude array.


>>> barofield1 = BarotropicField(xlon, ylat, pv_field=abs_vorticity)
>>> eqv_lat = barofield1.equivalent_latitudes
property lwa

Compute the finite-amplitude local wave activity based on the equivalent_latitudes and the pv_field stored in the object.


Return type

An 2-D numpy array with dimension [nlat,nlon] of local wave activity values.


>>> barofield1 = BarotropicField(xlon, ylat, pv_field=abs_vorticity)
>>> lwa = barofield1.lwa