Last updated on Nov 5, 2023

Demo script for the analyses done in Nakamura and Huang (2018, Science)

This is a complimentary demo script that can be used to implement the local wave activity, fluxes and flux convergence/divergence computation required in the analyses presented in Nakamura and Huang, Atmospheric Blocking as a Traffic Jam in the Jet Stream. Science. (2018)

This notebook demonstrate how to compute local wave activity and all the flux terms in equations (2) and (3) in NH2018 with the updated functionality in the python package falwa. To run the script, please install the package falwa using

python develop

after cloning the GitHub repo.

Please raise an issue in the GitHub repo or contact Clare S. Y. Huang ( if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the package.

import datetime as dt
from math import pi
import numpy as np
from numpy import dtype
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from falwa.oopinterface import QGFieldNH18
import falwa.utilities as utilities

Load ERA-Interim reanalysis data retrieved from ECMWF server

The sample script in this directory include the code to retrieve zonal wind field U, meridional wind field V and temperature field T at various pressure levels. Given that you have an account on ECMWF server and have the ecmwfapi package installed, you can run the scripts to download data from there:

u_file = xr.open_dataset('')
v_file = xr.open_dataset('')
t_file = xr.open_dataset('')
ntimes = u_file.time.size
time_array = u_file.time
Dimensions:    (longitude: 240, latitude: 121, level: 37, time: 32)
  * longitude  (longitude) float32 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5 ... 354.0 355.5 357.0 358.5
  * latitude   (latitude) float32 90.0 88.5 87.0 85.5 ... -87.0 -88.5 -90.0
  * level      (level) int32 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 ... 850 875 900 925 950 975 1000
  * time       (time) datetime64[ns] 2005-01-23 ... 2005-01-30T18:00:00
Data variables:
    u          (time, level, latitude, longitude) float32 ...
    Conventions:  CF-1.6
    history:      2018-07-17 16:50:39 GMT by grib_to_netcdf-2.8.0: grib_to_ne...

Load the dimension arrays

In this version, the QGField object takes only: - latitude array in degree ascending order, and - pressure level in hPa in decending order (from ground to aloft).

xlon = u_file.longitude.values

# latitude has to be in ascending order
ylat = u_file.latitude.values
if np.diff(ylat)[0]<0:
    print('Flip ylat.')
    ylat = ylat[::-1]

# pressure level has to be in descending order (ascending height)
plev = u_file.level.values
if np.diff(plev)[0]>0:
    print('Flip plev.')
    plev = plev[::-1]

nlon = xlon.size
nlat = ylat.size
nlev = plev.size
Flip ylat.
Flip plev.
clat = np.cos(np.deg2rad(ylat))     # cosine latitude
p0 = 1000.                          # surface pressure [hPa]
kmax = 49                           # number of grid points for vertical extrapolation (dimension of height)
dz = 1000.                          # differential height element
height = np.arange(0,kmax)*dz       # pseudoheight [m]
dphi = np.diff(ylat)[0]*pi/180.     # differential latitudinal element
dlambda = np.diff(xlon)[0]*pi/180.  # differential latitudinal element
hh = 7000.                          # scale height
cp = 1004.                          # heat capacity of dry air
rr = 287.                           # gas constant
omega = 7.29e-5                     # rotation rate of the earth
aa = 6.378e+6                       # earth radius
prefactor = np.array([np.exp(-z/hh) for z in height[1:]]).sum() # integrated sum of density from the level
                                                                #just above the ground (z=1km) to aloft
npart = nlat                        # number of partitions to construct the equivalent latitude grids
maxits = 100000                     # maximum number of iteration in the SOR solver to solve for reference state
tol = 1.e-5                         # tolerance that define convergence of solution
rjac = 0.95                         # spectral radius of the Jacobi iteration in the SOR solver.
jd = nlat//2+1                      # (one plus) index of latitude grid point with value 0 deg
                                    # This is to be input to fortran code. The index convention is different.

Set the level of pressure and the timestamp to display below

tstamp = [dt.datetime(2005,1,23,0,0) + dt.timedelta(seconds=6*3600) * tt for tt in range(ntimes)]
plev_selected = 10 # selected pressure level to display
tstep_selected = 0

Loop through the input file and plot computed quantities

for tstep in range(32):  # or ntimes

    uu = u_file.u.isel(time=tstep).values[::-1, ::-1, :]
    vv = v_file.v.isel(time=tstep).values[::-1, ::-1, :]
    tt = t_file.t.isel(time=tstep).values[::-1, ::-1, :]

    qgfield_object = QGFieldNH18(xlon, ylat, plev, uu, vv, tt, northern_hemisphere_results_only=False)




    if tstep == tstep_selected:
        # === Below demonstrate another way to access the computed variables ===
        # 3D Variables that I would choose one pressure level to display
        variables_3d = [
            (qgfield_object.qgpv, 'Quasigeostrophic potential vorticity (QGPV)'),
            (qgfield_object.lwa, 'Local wave activity (LWA)'),
            (qgfield_object.interpolated_u, 'Interpolated zonal wind (u)'),
            (qgfield_object.interpolated_v, 'Interpolated meridional wind (v)')]

        # Reference states to be displayed on y-z plane
        variables_yz = [
            (qgfield_object.qref, 'Qref'),
            (qgfield_object.uref, 'Uref'),
            (qgfield_object.ptref, 'PTref')]

        # Vertically averaged variables to be displayed on x-y plane
        variables_xy = [
            (qgfield_object.adv_flux_f1, 'Advective flux F1'),
            (qgfield_object.adv_flux_f2, 'Advective flux F2'),
            (qgfield_object.adv_flux_f3, 'Advective flux F3'),
            (qgfield_object.convergence_zonal_advective_flux, 'Advective flux convergence -Div(F1+F2+F3)'),
            (qgfield_object.divergence_eddy_momentum_flux, 'divergence_eddy_momentum_flux'),
            (qgfield_object.meridional_heat_flux, 'meridional_heat_flux')

        # Plot 240 hPa of 3D-variables
        for variable, name in variables_3d:
            plt.contourf(xlon, ylat[1:-1], variable[plev_selected, 1:-1, :], 50, cmap='jet')
            if name=='Local wave activity (LWA)':
                plt.axhline(y=0, c='w', lw=30)
            plt.ylabel('Latitude (deg)')
            plt.xlabel('Longitude (deg)')
            plt.title(name + ' at 240hPa | ' + str(tstamp[tstep]))

        # Plot reference states
        for variable, name in variables_yz:
            plt.contourf(ylat[1:-1], height, variable[:, 1:-1], 50, cmap='jet')
            plt.axvline(x=0, c='w', lw=2)
            plt.xlabel('Latitude (deg)')
            plt.ylabel('Pseudoheight (m)')
            plt.title(name + ' | ' + str(tstamp[tstep]))

        # Plot barotropic (2D-)variables
        for variable, name in variables_xy:
            plt.contourf(xlon, ylat[1:-1], variable[1:-1, :], 50, cmap='jet')
            plt.axhline(y=0, c='w', lw=30)
            plt.ylabel('Latitude (deg)')
            plt.xlabel('Longitude (deg)')
            plt.title(name + ' | ' + str(tstamp[tstep]))

    print('tstep = {}/{}\n'.format(tstep, ntimes))

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          950
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          721
tstep = 0/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          953
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          721
tstep = 1/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          949
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          703
tstep = 2/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          948
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          711
tstep = 3/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          949
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          718
tstep = 4/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          948
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          721
tstep = 5/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          946
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          706
tstep = 6/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          944
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          718
tstep = 7/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          947
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          709
tstep = 8/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          946
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          716
tstep = 9/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          942
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          714
tstep = 10/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          943
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          719
tstep = 11/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          941
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          716
tstep = 12/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          942
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          725
tstep = 13/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          945
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          722
tstep = 14/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          943
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          734
tstep = 15/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          946
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          735
tstep = 16/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          944
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          742
tstep = 17/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          945
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          735
tstep = 18/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          946
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          749
tstep = 19/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          943
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          749
tstep = 20/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          945
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          750
tstep = 21/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          943
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          742
tstep = 22/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          940
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          752
tstep = 23/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          941
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          749
tstep = 24/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          940
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          747
tstep = 25/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          943
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          736
tstep = 26/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          944
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          738
tstep = 27/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          945
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          736
tstep = 28/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          945
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          733
tstep = 29/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          943
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          731
tstep = 30/32

  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          944
  1339892136           0          13  converged at n =          736
tstep = 31/32