Source code for data_storage

File name:
Author: Clare Huang
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union, List, NamedTuple
import numpy as np

[docs]class InvalidCallOfSHemVariables(Exception): """ northern_hemisphere_results_only = True. Southern hemispheric variables are not computed. """
class HemisphericProperty: def __init__(self, attr, ndims_fill=(0, 0), doc=None): self.attr = attr self.__doc__ = doc # Dimensions to fill in pre- and post-latitude npre, npost = ndims_fill self.slc_pre = tuple(slice(None) for _ in range(npre)) self.slc_post = tuple(slice(None) for _ in range(npost)) @property def ndim_j(self): return len(self.slc_pre) class NHemProperty(HemisphericProperty): def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj.northern_hemisphere_results_only: return getattr(obj, self.attr) # Assemble full slice from slices of pre-latitude dimensions, latitude # dimension slice and post-latitude dimensions slices slc = (*self.slc_pre, slice(-(obj.nlat//2+1), None), *self.slc_post) return getattr(obj, self.attr)[slc] def __set__(self, obj, value): jdim = value.shape[self.ndim_j] slc = (*self.slc_pre, slice(-jdim, None), *self.slc_post) getattr(obj, self.attr)[slc] = value class SHemProperty(HemisphericProperty): def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj.northern_hemisphere_results_only: raise InvalidCallOfSHemVariables() slc = (*self.slc_pre, slice(None, obj.nlat//2+1), *self.slc_post) return getattr(obj, self.attr)[slc] def __set__(self, obj, value): jdim = value.shape[self.ndim_j] if obj.northern_hemisphere_results_only: raise InvalidCallOfSHemVariables() slc = (*self.slc_pre, slice(None, jdim), *self.slc_post) vlc = (*self.slc_pre, slice(None, None, -1), *self.slc_post) getattr(obj, self.attr)[slc] = value[vlc]
[docs]class DerivedQuantityStorage: """ This class manages the storage of derived variables in :py:class:`oopinterface.QGField`. Variables are stored in fortran indexing order for easy communication with f2py modules. To return variables in python indexing order, use the method :py:meth:`fortran_to_python` to swap the axes. """ def __init__( self, pydim: Union[int, Tuple], fdim: Union[int, Tuple], swapaxis_1: int, swapaxis_2: int, northern_hemisphere_results_only: bool): self._pydim = pydim # python dimension self._fdim = fdim # fortran dimension self._swapaxis_1 = swapaxis_1 self._swapaxis_2 = swapaxis_2 self._northern_hemisphere_results_only = northern_hemisphere_results_only @property def pydim(self): return self._pydim @property def fdim(self): return self._fdim @property def swapaxis_1(self): return self._swapaxis_1 @property def swapaxis_2(self): return self._swapaxis_2 @property def northern_hemisphere_results_only(self): return self._northern_hemisphere_results_only def fortran_to_python(self, phy_field: np.ndarray): return np.swapaxes(phy_field, self.swapaxis_1, self.swapaxis_2) def python_to_fortran(self, phy_field: np.ndarray): # This may not be necessary return np.swapaxes(phy_field, self.swapaxis_2, self.swapaxis_1)
[docs]class DomainAverageStorage(DerivedQuantityStorage): """ This stores global/hemispheric averaged potential temperature and static stability. Fortran dimension: (kmax) """ def __init__(self, pydim: Union[int, Tuple], fdim: Union[int, Tuple], swapaxis_1: int, swapaxis_2: int, northern_hemisphere_results_only: bool): super().__init__(pydim, fdim, swapaxis_1, swapaxis_2, northern_hemisphere_results_only) self.t0: Optional[np.array] = None self.tn0: Optional[np.array] = None self.ts0: Optional[np.array] = None self.static_stability: Optional[np.array] = None self.static_stability_n: Optional[np.array] = None self.static_stability_s: Optional[np.array] = None
[docs]class InterpolatedFieldsStorage(DerivedQuantityStorage): """ This class stores 3D fields on interpolated grids, including: - u - v - theta (potential temperature) - avort (absolute vorticity, used as boundary condition to solve for reference state in NHN22) Fortran dimension: (nlon, nlat, kmax) """ def __init__(self, pydim: Union[int, Tuple], fdim: Union[int, Tuple], swapaxis_1: int, swapaxis_2: int, northern_hemisphere_results_only: bool): super().__init__(pydim, fdim, swapaxis_1, swapaxis_2, northern_hemisphere_results_only) self.interpolated_u: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.interpolated_v: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.interpolated_theta: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.interpolated_avort: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.qgpv: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
[docs]class ReferenceStatesStorage(DerivedQuantityStorage): """ This class stores height-latitude 2D fields on interpolated grids, including: - uref - qref (it actually stores qref/f, where f is Coriolis paramter) - tref (potential temperature reference state) Fortran dimension: (nlat, kmax) """ def __init__(self, pydim: Union[int, Tuple], fdim: Union[int, Tuple], swapaxis_1: int, swapaxis_2: int, northern_hemisphere_results_only: bool): super().__init__(pydim, fdim, swapaxis_1, swapaxis_2, northern_hemisphere_results_only) self.qref = np.zeros(self.fdim) # This is to substitute self._qref_ntemp self.uref = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.ptref = np.zeros(self.fdim) kmax, self.nlat = self.pydim qref_nhem = NHemProperty("qref", (0, 1)) qref_shem = SHemProperty("qref", (0, 1))
[docs] def qref_correct_unit(self, ylat, omega, python_indexing=True): """ This returns Qref of the correct unit to the user. TODO: encapsulate this elsewhere to avoid potential error """ qref_right_unit = \ self.qref * 2 * omega * np.sin(np.deg2rad(ylat[:, np.newaxis])) if python_indexing: return self.fortran_to_python(qref_right_unit) # (kmax, nlat) return qref_right_unit
uref_nhem = NHemProperty("uref", (0, 1)) uref_shem = SHemProperty("uref", (0, 1)) ptref_nhem = NHemProperty("ptref", (0, 1)) ptref_shem = SHemProperty("ptref", (0, 1))
[docs]class LWAStorage(DerivedQuantityStorage): """ This class stores 3D LWA field on interpolated grids. Fortran dimension: (nlon, nlat, kmax) """ def __init__(self, pydim: Union[int, Tuple], fdim: Union[int, Tuple], swapaxis_1: int, swapaxis_2: int, northern_hemisphere_results_only: bool): super().__init__(pydim, fdim, swapaxis_1, swapaxis_2, northern_hemisphere_results_only) self.lwa = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.nlat = self.fdim[1] lwa_nhem = NHemProperty("lwa", (1, 1)) lwa_shem = SHemProperty("lwa", (1, 1))
[docs]class OutputBarotropicFluxTermsStorage(DerivedQuantityStorage): """ This class stores vertically integrated derived quantities in latitude-longitude 2D grid, including: - adv_flux_f1 - adv_flux_f2 - adv_flux_f3 - zonal_adv_flux - convergence_zonal_advective_flux - divergence_eddy_momentum_flux - meridional_heat_flux Variables are stored in **python indexing order**: (nlat, nlon) """ def __init__(self, pydim: Union[int, Tuple], fdim: Union[int, Tuple], swapaxis_1: int, swapaxis_2: int, northern_hemisphere_results_only: bool): super().__init__(pydim, fdim, swapaxis_1, swapaxis_2, northern_hemisphere_results_only) # *** variables below are computed all at once after getting flux terms above? self.adv_flux_f1 = np.zeros(self.pydim) self.adv_flux_f2 = np.zeros(self.pydim) self.adv_flux_f3 = np.zeros(self.pydim) self.zonal_adv_flux = np.zeros(self.pydim) self.convergence_zonal_advective_flux = np.zeros(self.pydim) self.divergence_eddy_momentum_flux = np.zeros(self.pydim) self.meridional_heat_flux = np.zeros(self.pydim)
[docs]class BarotropicFluxTermsStorage(DerivedQuantityStorage): """ This class stores intermediate computed quantities in latitude-longitude 2D grid. Variables are stored in fortran indexing order: (nlon, nlat) """ def __init__(self, pydim: Union[int, Tuple], fdim: Union[int, Tuple], swapaxis_1: int, swapaxis_2: int, northern_hemisphere_results_only: bool): super().__init__(pydim, fdim, swapaxis_1, swapaxis_2, northern_hemisphere_results_only) self.nlat = fdim[1] self.ua1baro = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.ua2baro = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.ep1baro = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.ep2baro = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.ep3baro = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.ep4 = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.u_baro = np.zeros(self.fdim) self.lwa_baro = np.zeros(self.fdim) # This is barotropic LWA (astarbaro) ua1baro_nhem = NHemProperty("ua1baro", (1, 0)) ua1baro_shem = SHemProperty("ua1baro", (1, 0)) ua2baro_nhem = NHemProperty("ua2baro", (1, 0)) ua2baro_shem = SHemProperty("ua2baro", (1, 0)) ep1baro_nhem = NHemProperty("ep1baro", (1, 0)) ep1baro_shem = SHemProperty("ep1baro", (1, 0)) ep2baro_nhem = NHemProperty("ep2baro", (1, 0)) ep2baro_shem = SHemProperty("ep2baro", (1, 0)) ep3baro_nhem = NHemProperty("ep3baro", (1, 0)) ep3baro_shem = SHemProperty("ep3baro", (1, 0)) ep4_nhem = NHemProperty("ep4", (1, 0)) ep4_shem = SHemProperty("ep4", (1, 0)) u_baro_nhem = NHemProperty("u_baro", (1, 0)) u_baro_shem = SHemProperty("u_baro", (1, 0)) lwa_baro_nhem = NHemProperty("lwa_baro", (1, 0)) lwa_baro_shem = SHemProperty("lwa_baro", (1, 0))